Light Interconnects Laboratory
School of Microelectronics
Southern University of Science and Technology
LICONLAB (Light Interconnects Laboratory) is an academic research laboratory founded by Dr. Qiancheng Zhao in the School of Microelectronics at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). The Lab specializes in integrated photonics research in high-tech areas such as next-generation optical communications, integrated lasers, nonlinear photonics, and quantum photonics applications.
Dr. Qiancheng Zhao is currently an assistant professor in the School of Microelectronics at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). Prior to joining SUSTech, he worked at the University of California, Santa Barbara as a postdoctoral researcher, and at Apple Inc. as a signal integrity engineer. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of California, Irvine, and bachelor's degree from Zhejiang University.
[2025/01/27] Our paper was published in IEEE Photonics Journal
We demonstrate Mach-Zehnder interferometer-based (MZI) athermal photonic devices using the structural compensation method. Unlike previous structural compensation studies that were applied on the thermal sensitive materials such as silicon, this work is implemented in tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) platform whose thermo-optic coefficient is low. This allows us to achieve ultra-athermalized filters by combining the structural compensation method and the material's own thermo-optic properties. Two types of devices are proposed: the asymmetric Mach-Zehnder interferometer (AMZI) and the ring-coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometer (RMZI). This work proves the effectiveness of structural compensation method on an already low thermo-optic photonic platform, paving the way towards realization of ultra-athermal integrated optical filters in a low-loss and CMOS-compatible platform.
This paper can be accessed on the IEEE Xplore.
[2025/01/22] Our paper was published in ACS Photonics
In this work, we present a Ta2O5 photonic platform that emphasizes low propagation loss and low thermo-optic sensitivity. We demonstrate that the intrinsic Q factors of these resonators exceed 106, corresponding to a propagation loss of 0.27 dB/cm at 1550 nm, using our CMOS-compatible fabrication technique. The temperature-dependent wavelength shift (TDWS) of the Ta2O5 resonators is merely 9 pm/K. The thermorefractive frequency noise of the Ta2O5 microresonators is predicted to be half smaller than that of Si3N4 resonators. Several key building blocks of integrated external laser cavities were demonstrated, including high-Q resonators, self-coupled microresonators, Vernier ring resonators, Sagnac loop mirrors, edge couplers, and Y-branch splitters, which contribute to a comprehensive suite of planar lightwave components on the Ta2O5 platform. A narrow-linewidth hybrid-integrated laser has been demonstrated, utilizing a distributed feedback (DFB) laser diode self-injection locked to a Ta2O5 microresonator. A fundamental linewidth of 1.6 kHz has been obtained.
The paper can be accessed on the ACS Photonics website.
[2024/10/11] Dr. Zhao was awarded as an Excellent Mentor in the 2024 National Undergraduate Training Program for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Mr. Zhaoting Geng was the implementor of the project under the supervision of Dr. Zhao. His project is "Study of the Gallium Phosphide Integrated Nonlinear Photonic Devices for Kerr Optical Frequency Comb Generation".
This project was awarded as one of the 15 best projects in the School of Engineering at SUSTech in 2024.
[2024/09/12] Our paper was awarded as a Best Paper in the IEEE OGC Conference
Dr. Zhao represented the authors to accept the award. The first and second authors are Zhenyu Liu and Xiaolun Yu. The award presenter is Rene-Jean Essiambre. He is a Bell Labs Fellow and was the former president of the IEEE Photonics Society.
This paper can be accessed in IEEE Xplore.
[2022/06/30] Call for Papers! The "Integrated Waveguide-Based Photonic Devices" special issue is now open for submission!
This Special Issue focuses on the state-of-the-art achievements in integrated waveguide-based photonic devices, with a broader aim to present novel material, design methodology, and fabrication techniques as well as cutting-edge applications.
The submission deadline is June 30, 2023. More submission information can be found here.
Tantalum pentoxide photonic devices
Tantalum pentoxide is a versatile photonic material that is compatible with silicon photonics. It has a moderate refractive index, low propagation loss, a non-negligible third-order nonlinearity, a small thermo-optic coefficient, and a low Raman background. Thus it is widely used in passive photonic devices for optical interconnecting, nonlinearity, and bio-photonic applications. Integrating functional components empowers tantalum pentoxide passive devices with unprecedented functionalities that could only be realized in active photonic devices, such as modulators, detectors, etc., opening new possibilities for a whole new class of integrated devices and systems.
Our group has rich experience in fabricating low-loss tantalum pentoxide waveguides, high-Q resonators, and athermal photonic devices.
Nonlinear integrated photonic devices
Nonlinear integrated photonics plays important roles in optical communications, sensing, spectroscopy, etc. Numerous nonlinear devices such as light sources, modulators, and sensors have been demonstrated thanks to the rich optical nonlinear mechanisms. Miniaturization of the photonic devices not only reduces the cost but also makes complex systems suitable for portable and field deployed applications. On-chip photonic integration is an enabling factor to miniaturize nonlinear optical devices. With the development of highly nonlinear photonic integration platform, novel on-chip nonlinear devices will emerge with unprecedent performance, and will find useful in quantum photonics, machine learning, optical neuron computing and other leading-edge applications.
Our group focuses on the frequency comb generation, second harmonic generation, supercontinuum generation and related nonlinear phenomena in the emerging gallium phosphide-on-insulator platform.
On-chip optical reference cavities
Optical reference cavities are essential components in laser linewidth narrowing and frequency stabilization. Once tightly locked to a frequency reference, the frequency stability of the laser is determined by the stability of the cavity. Traditional benchtop Fabry-Perot reference cavities occupy a large operation space. It is desirable to miniaturize these cavities harnessing the photonic integrated waveguide-based technologies, which may foster a blossom of integrated narrow linewidth lasers.
Our group study the frequency stability of on-chip microresonators and their applications in laser frequency locking. The research topics cover the athermal waveguides, high-Q resonators, frequency locking systems, temperature sensing techniques, and related areas.
Qiancheng Zhao
Weiren Cheng
Zhenyu Liu
Jiaxin Hou
Ning Ding
Xingyu Tang
Mingjian You
Junke Zhou
Xiaolun Yu
Yihan Liu
Jiazhao He
Naiqin Bu
Ke Zhu
Shangyu Wang
Haoxuan Shi
Rui Qiu
Invited Talks
- Qiancheng Zhao, “Integrated Gallium Phosphide-on-Insulator Devices for Nonlinear Photonics”, Forum on Photonic Integrated Circuits, Xiamen, 2023 (Invited)
- Qiancheng Zhao, “On-chip Optical Reference Cavities”, IEEE the 7th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC 2022), Shenzhen, 2022 (Invited)
- Qiancheng Zhao, “Waveguide-based Optical Reference Cavities”, 2022 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2022), Shenzhen, 2022 (Invited)
- Qiancheng Zhao, "Photonic Integrated Optical Reference Cavity", Zhuoyue Quantum Salon, Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering, Shenzhen, 2022 (Invited)
- Qiancheng Zhao, “Integrated optical reference cavity for laser frequency stabilization”, IEEE the 6th Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC 2021), Shenzhen, 2021 (Invited)
Edited by Ozdal Boyraz and Qiancheng Zhao, Silicon Photonics Bloom, ISBN 978-3-03936-908-9, MDPI AG, 2020
Recent Journal Publications
- Mingjian You#, Zhenyu Liu, Weiren Cheng, Xingyu Tang, Ning Ding, Zhengqi Li, Min Wang, Li Shen, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Athermal Tantalum Pentoxide Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Based on Structural Compensation Method," IEEE Photonics Journal, 17(1), 1–8, 2025.
- Zhenyu Liu#, Wenle Yao, Mingjian You, Xiaolun Yu, Ning Ding, Weiren Cheng, Zhengqi Li, Xingyu Tang, Fei Guo*, Dan Lu, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “Tantalum Pentoxide Integrated Photonics: A Promising Platform for Low-Loss Planar Lightwave Circuits with Low Thermo-Optic Coefficients”, ACS Photonics, 2025.
- Pengzhuo Wu, Xingyu Tang, Yatao Yang, YifanWang, Yongxian Yan, Ziyu Pan, Xucheng Zhang, Mingjian You, Zhenyu Liu, Changjing Bao, Xingchen Ji, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*,"Asymmetric χ(2)-translated optical frequency combs assistedby avoided mode crossing in concentric ring resonators," Opt. Express,32(19), 32924–32938, 2024.
- Yifan Wang, Ziyu Pan, Yongxian Yan, YataoYang, Wenhua Zhao, Ning Ding, Xingyu Tang, Pengzhuo Wu, Qiancheng Zhao*,and Yi Li*, "A review of gallium phosphide nanophotonics towards omnipotent nonlinear devices," Nanophotonics, 2024.
- Zhaoting Geng#, Weiren Cheng#, Zhiwei Yan, Qiyuan Yi, Zhenyu Liu, Mingjian You, Xiaolun Yu, Pengzhuo Wu, Ning Ding, Xingyu Tang, Min Wang, Li Shen, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Low-loss tantalum pentoxide photonics with a CMOS-compatible process," Opt. Express, 32(7), 12291–12302, 2024.
- Pengzhuo Wu, Weiren Cheng, Ning Ding, Xingyu Tang, Zhaoting Geng, Zhenyu Liu, Mingjian You, Xiaolun Yu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Investigation of χ(2)-translated Optical Frequency Combs Tunability in Gallium Phosphide-on-Insulator Resonators," IEEE Photonics Journal 16(2), 1–8, 2024.
- Yatao Yang, Yifan Wang, Yongxian Yan, Weiren Cheng, Qiancheng Zhao*, and Yi Li*, "On-Chip Single-Molecule Fluorescence Enhancement via Slotted Gallium Phosphide Nanodisks at Anapole States," Advanced Optical Materials, 2301444, 2023.
- Weiren Cheng#, Zhaoting Geng#, Zhuoyu Yu, Yihan Liu, Yatao Yang, Pengzhuo Wu, Houling Ji, Xiaolun Yu, Yifan Wang, Changjing Bao, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Wafer-scale inverted gallium phosphide-on-insulator rib waveguides for nonlinear photonics," Opt. Lett., OL 48(14), 3781–3784, 2023.
- Houling Ji, Zhaoting Geng, Weiren Cheng, Pengzhuo Wu, Zhuoyu Yu, Yihan Liu, Xiaolun Yu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "High-power two-color Kerr frequency comb generation on the gallium phosphide-on-insulator platform at SWIR and MIR spectra," JOSA B 40(8), 1976–1985, 2023.
- Zhaoting Geng, Houling Ji, Zhuoyu Yu, Weiren Cheng, Pengzhuo Wu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “Dispersion-flattened Concentric Structure for Microcomb Bandwidth Broadening in GaP-OI Resonators.” JOSA B, 40(3), 673-618, 2023.
- Yongxian Yan, Tao Zhu, Qiancheng Zhao, Rodrigo Berté*, and Y. Li*, "Launching directional hypersonic surface waves in monolithic gallium phosphide nanodisks: two holes are better than one," Nanoscale (2023).
- Qiancheng Zhao, Mark W. Harrington, Andrei Isichenko, Kaikai Liu, Ryan O. Behunin, Scott B. Papp, Peter T. Rakich, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Integrated Reference Cavity with Dual-mode Optical Thermometry for Frequency Correction”, Optica, vol. 8, no. 11 (2021).
- Nitesh Chauhan, Andrei Isichenko, Kaikai Liu, Jiawei Wang, Qiancheng Zhao, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Andrew M. Jayich, Chad Fertig, Chad W. Hoyt, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*. “Visible light photonic integrated Brillouin laser”. Nat Commun 12, 4685 (2021)
- Matthew Puckett, Kaikai Liu, Nitesh Chauhan, Qiancheng Zhao, Naijun Jin, Haotian Cheng, Jianfeng Wu, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Karl D. Nelson, Daniel J. Blumenthal*. "422 Million intrinsic quality factor planar integrated all-waveguide resonator with sub-MHz linewidth." Nat Commun 12, 934 (2021)
- Qiancheng Zhao, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Nitesh Chauhan, Andrei Isichenko, Jiawei Wang, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, Mu hong Lin, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*. "Low-loss Low Thermo-Optic Coefficient Ta2O5 on crystal quartz planar optical waveguides," APL Photonics 5.11 (2020): 116103. (Editor’s Pick)
- Qiancheng Zhao* and Ozdal Boyraz*. "Editorial for the Special Issue on Silicon Photonics Bloom." Micromachines 2020, 11, 670
- Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Qiancheng Zhao, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Md Shafiqul Islam, and Ozdal Boyraz*. "Graphene-incorporated plasmo-thermomechanical infrared radiation detection." JOSA B 37, no. 3 (2020): 774-783
- Qiancheng Zhao, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Shiva Farzinazar, Jaeho Lee, and Ozdal Boyraz*, "Plasmo-thermomechanical radiation detector with on-chip optical readout," Opt. Express 26, 29638-29650 (2018).
- Qiancheng Zhao, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Rasul Torun and Ozdal Boyraz*, "On-Chip Bimetallic Plasmo-Thermomechanical Detectors for Mid-Infrared Radiation," in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 29, no. 17, pp. 1459-1462, Sept.1, 1 2017.
Recent Conference Publications
- Zhenyu Liu, Xiaolun Yu, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “Low-loss and Thermorefractive-stable Tantalum Pentoxide Integrated Photonics”, in IEEE Optoelectronics Global Conference, pp. 189-194, 2024, (Best Paper Award)
- Yatao Yang*, Yongxian Yan, Yifan Wang, Weiren Cheng, Qiancheng Zhao*, and Yi Li*, "Gallium phosphide nanoantenna controls enhanced single-molecule fluorescence," in Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics IX (SPIE, 2023), Vol. 12773, pp. 102–106.
- Weiren Cheng#, Zhaoting Geng, Zhuoyu Yu, Yihan Liu, Yatao Yang, Pengzhuo Wu, Xiaolun Yu, Yifan Wang, Changjing Bao, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Supercontinuum Generation in Inverted Gallium Phosphide-on-Insulator Rib Waveguides," in 2023 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 2023, pp. 1–3. (Post Deadline)
- Houling Ji, Zhaoting Geng, Weiren Cheng, Zhuoyu Yu, Pengzhuo Wu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao* “Design of Partially Etched GaP-OI Microresonators for Two-Color Kerr Soliton Generation at NIR and MIR,” in 2022 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), p. 1622–1625, 2022.
- Zhaoting Geng#, Houling Ji, Zhuoyu Yu, Weiren Cheng, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Flexible Dispersion Engineering in Thin GaP-OI Frequency Comb Resonator Design," in 2022 IEEE 7th Optoelectronics Global Conference, p. 218-221, 2022
- Qiancheng Zhao*, Zhaoting Geng, Houling Ji, and Yi Li, “GaP-OI Resonator Design for Octave-spanning Kerr Soliton Frequency Comb Generation,” in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2022), Paper JW3B.16.
- Qiancheng Zhao, Mark W. Harrington, Andrei Isichenko, Debapam Bose, Jiawei Wang, Kaikai Liu, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Silicon Nitride Bus-Coupled Spiral-Ring Resonator for Dual-Mode Locking Temperature Stabilization”, in OFC, Optical Society of America, 2021, paper Th4B.
- Qiancheng Zhao, Mark W. Harrington, Andrei Isichenko, Grant M. Brodnik, Kaikai Liu, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, Scott B. Papp, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, "Laser Frequency Drift Stabilization Using an Integrated Dual-Mode Locking Si3N4 Waveguide Reference Cavity," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2021) (Optical Society of America, 2021), p. STh2B.7
- Qiancheng Zhao, Jiawei Wang, Nitesh Chauhan, Debapam Bose, Naijun Jin, Renan Moreira, Ryan Behunin, Peter Rakich, and Daniel Blumenthal*, “Low-loss D-shape Silicon Nitride Waveguides Using a Dielectric Lift-off Fabrication Process”, in CLEO: Science and Innovations, Optical Society of America, 2020.
- Qiancheng Zhao, M. W. Khan, P. Sadri-Moshkenani, R. Regan, F. Capolino, and O. Boyraz*, "Demonstration of a Plasmo-Thermomechanical Radiation Detector with Si3N4 Waveguide Optical Readout Circuit," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2018), paper JW2A.175.
- Qiancheng Zhao, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Rasul Torun, Imam-Uz Zaman, and Ozdal Boyraz*, "Infrared Detection Using Plasmonically Enhanced Thermomechanically Actuated Nanowire Arrays," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2017), paper JTh2A.114.
- Qiancheng Zhao, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Rasul Torun, Imam-Uz Zaman, Ozdal Boyraz*, "Plasmo-thermomechanical suspended nanowire array detectors for mid-infrared spectrum," Proc. SPIE 10404, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications VII, 104040L (30 August 2017).
We are looking for self-motivated PhD, master, and undergraduate students to join our team. Postdocs and visiting scholars are also welcome. Candidates will work in integrated photonic devices and systems, including device design and simulation, cleanroom fabrication, lab automation and characterization. Specific research topics will be determined based on the common interests of the candidate and the advisor.
Preferred applicant profile:
- Self-motivated and can-do attitude.
- Has optics, physics, electrical engineering, or related education background.
- Proficiency in MATLAB/Python programming.
- Knowledge of Lumerical/COMSOL or equivalent software is a plus.
Contact Information
Email: zhaoqc AT sustech DOT edu DOT cn
Location: Building 3, Nanshan iPark Chongwen, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 518055
Houling Ji
Graduated in 2023 with a master's degree
After graduation: Joint PhD of SUSTech and Pengcheng Lab
Zhuoyu Yu
Graduated in 2024 with a bachelor's degree
After graduation: Research Assistant
Zhaoting Geng
Graduated in 2024 with a bachelor's degree
After graduation: PhD in Hong Kong University
Pengzhuo Wu
Graduated in 2024 with a master's degree
After graduation: BYD Company